
The benefits, categorised below, using the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental impacts.

Economic Impacts:

  • Income and employment generating effects through the improvement of existing businesses and the promotion of new businesses.
  • Reduced money spent on fuel wood, freeing up financial resources for tuition, clothes, books, food, tools and of water, flora and fauna and maintaining bio-diversity due to reserved forest cover.

Social Impacts:

  • Improved working conditions and health status of the cooks.
  • Reduced indoor air pollution and associated respiratory illness.
  • Less pain and physical stress caused by smoke, intense heat, burns and accidents.
  • Reduced cooking time because of more efficient stoves means more time available for other useful activities.
  • Improved nutrition of pupils, small children and adults due to more and better meals.
  • Acquisition of new skills and knowledge through capacity building and awareness creation.
  • Increased environmental awareness through good practices; students and staff will be agents of change in their homesteads since they will observe the impact of using improved cookstoves in their schools.
  • Substantial savings realised as a result of using the improved cookstoves by the schools will encourage other schools to resolve to using improved cookstoves as well.

Environmental Impact:

  • Reduce deforestation leading to protection of water, flora and fauna and maintaining bio-diversity due to reserved forest cover.
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